Hi there, I'm

Cian Dolphin 🐬

An experienced frontend developer passionate about building amazing and performant user experiences. I specialise in TypeScript, React, and Next.js, and I'm always looking to learn new things and improve my skills.

Cian Dolphin, smiling at the camera.

My experience in detail


Some of the personal projects I've worked on or currently working on.

Work in progress

Survey designer

A full-stack application where authenticated users can build, manage, preview and share surveys via a survey designer. There is also a demo available which allows anonymous users to test the survey designer. I'm using this project as a way to learn and familiarise myself with the new Next.js App Router

React Next.js TailwindCSS PlanetScale Prisma Zod

Wishlist application

A wishlist application where users can create wishlists and add other users to it via their email address. Users can then add items they would like to receive, and "claim" other gifts on the wishlist as purchased.

React Next.js Chakra UI Supabase

Thérapie Clinic tech submission

The submission I presented for my Thérapie Clinic interview. It was a Next.js application that requested available times for treatments and then allowed users to book, choosing their preferred clinic, date and time.

React Next.js Chakra UI React Testing Library

The Galactic Empire Website

A challenge I undertook to upskill in Figma. It is a design for a website for the Employee Relations Division of the Galactic Empire in order to communicate with employees aboard the Death Star. It features separate pages for wireframes, inspiration, design and prototypes.
